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Tricky Swift: Implementation of an accessor with type bounded to current subclass.


In this post I will show you a simple technique that could help you to fight against Self return values in terms of inheritance.

In the example below we would create a storage with services which could deduce types of them.

Services and Service

Let start from a simple class Services.

// good start!
class Services {}

But it is too simple. Let’s add some services. First of all, we want a storage and a base service.

class Service {
  class func name() -> String {
    return ""
  class func typedService() -> Self? {
    return nil

Let’s add ConcreteService.

class ConcreteService: Service {
  override class func name() -> String {
    return "concrete"

Let try to build something more useful on these assumptions.

Should we store them together?

And why not? I want to store all services in one place for a simple access. For that reason we will add Dictionary which maps service name to stored service.

class Services {
  var services: [String : Service]!
  init() {
    services = [ : Service() : ConcreteService()

Ok, we have done it! But, what if I want to access services by names? Is there any convenient method?

extension Services {
  func service(by name: String) -> Service? {

But what should I do with it? I will get only Service?, not a ConcreteService. Could I somehow get access to concrete types of services.

Jump back

The first and obvious point to start search is a Service parent class. Only it could bind Self? of its subclasses to correct derived type. Let write this thought.

extension Service {
  class func typedService() -> Self? {
    return nil

Do you remember the intention of Self and instancetype? They are preserved keywords which allows to return objects related to concrete type. That is why you can’t cast type to Self.

However, could I somehow use generics to make it works right? Well, let’s add class method.

extension Service {
  class func service<T: Self>() -> T? {
    // does it work?

Restrictions to Self are allowed only in protocols.

But what if we use concrete type and binding to superclass?

extension Service {
  class func service<T: Service>() -> T? {
    return self.init() as? T
  class func typedService()-> Self? {
    return service()

Hey, what have we done now? We just cast Service to generic type T which has an upper bound ( it should be a subclass of Service.

We also cast value of initializer to generic type. What does it mean for our usage? It means that any method which knows its result type, could deduce the result of generic method.

There are three steps to achieve our result.

  1. Method with generic result type T.
  2. T bounded to Service.
  3. Another method with Self result type.

The parameter trick.

This technique could work only in one case - availability of casting T to Self. But how is it possible?

In terms of class and inheritance, the Self type defined as concrete subtype of a class, right? So, Self could be restricted to be a superclass, or, in other words, Self has an upper bound equal to the upper superclass in class hierarchy. It means that Self has requirement Self: Service in our example.

  1. T: Service
  2. Self: Service
  3. Service is a Service.

Thus, in terms of Service class, Self and T as return types are equal and could be propagated to lower subclasses.

The grand final

We have done the hardest part of our work.

Now, we would like to accumulate knowledge about generics and expand it to Services.

class Services {
  var services: [String : Service]!
  required init() {
    services = [ : Service() : ConcreteService()

extension Services {
    class func defaultServices<T: Services>() -> T? {
    return self.init() as? T
  class func typedDefaultServices() -> Self? {
    return defaultServices()

extension Services {
  func service(by name: String) -> Service? {

And some tests.

extension ConcreteService {
  func candy() {}

extension Services {
  class func test() {
    print("AnyService == \(ConcreteService.service())")
    print("ConcreteService == \(ConcreteService.typedService())")
    do {
      Services.typedDefaultServices()?.service(by: // don't even compile, because result type is a Service, not a Concrete Service.
    catch let error {
      print("error: \(error)")

Wait, it does not work!

At the end I have a services storage and service. They are separated, but our easy-to-use type deduction is disappeared.

But what if I could somehow solve it?

Let me think for a moment…

What if Service could retrieve himself from Services storage?

Something like:

extension Service {
  class func service<T: Service>() -> T? {
    return Services.defaultServices()?.service(by: name()) as? T

It works!

Final thoughts

Well, you should know a limits of generics. Most of the time you should not use them without a patience.

Moreover, you could extract a pattern from this technique.

protocol HasFactoryMethod {
    static func factory<T: HasFactoryMethod>() -> T?

extension HasFactoryMethod {
    static func typedFactory() -> Self? {
        return factory()